Image Sequence to MP4 GUI


For this project, I developed a ui that utilized the Image Sequence to MP4 scripts from earlier.

Interface Breakdown

Interface Breakdown


  1. Ensure the window stays in front

  2. Create main vertical layout

  3. Establish the order of panels in the window

  4. Set window size

  5. Define what widgets appear in each panel

  6. Define the actions for the widgets

  7. Define the action for the "Write ffmpeg Script" button utilizing the ffmpeg script


The purpose of the script is to generate a GUI that will allow artists to select the first image in a sequence, and convert that sequence into an MP4. The user will be able to set the resolution and frame rate from a selection of presets or customize their own. Be sure to double click the .bat file that is created in the same folder as the image sequence.


  1. The way ffmpeg controls frames persecond is a bit confusing. Therefore, the ffmpeg script generated with the GUI will maintain the initial duration of the video, but will slowdown to playback speed.

